SUPERFOOD ME: Manuka Honey
Health & Fitness

SUPERFOOD ME: Manuka Honey

In Biblical times, the ‘promised’ land was often described as a ‘land flowing with milk and honey’, and archaeologists claim that they discovered unspoiled honey in pots while excavating royal ancient Egyptian tombs. This golden superfood is as old as the Earth itself, with healing properties well worth talking about.

Of course, not all honeys are created equal, and today we’re not just talking about any ‘ol pot of honey. Unfortunately, because of industrialisation, a tub of honey from your supermarket is often not much different from high fructose corn syrup. (But that’s another topic entirely).

Today, we’re here to discuss all things Manuka – one of the world’s most unique and healing forms of honey (produced right next door in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the Manuka bush). You may have noticed that a jar of this sweet syrup doesn’t come cheap, and by the end of this article you’re going to understand why.

Firstly, let’s take a walk through history. Honey has been used for medicinal purposes for eons of years, thanks to being a rich antimicrobial source. Manuka honey was first discovered by Dr. Peter Molan M.B.E of Waikato University Honey Research Unit while researching the anti-bacterial properties of honey around the world. It is one of the oldest natural substances found on Earth and, depending on who you’re talking to, worth more than gold.

Manuka honey is an incredible natural medicine, which can help to aid and heal a number of illnesses. It has grown in popularity over the years thanks to a growing body of scientific research that supports years of ‘folklore’ medicinal practices. Keep reading for a list of the top uses for Manuka honey:

    • Sore Throats and Allergies When sick at home with a pesky sore throat and pounding head, a spoonful of honey really will do the trick! That is, of course, when the honey in question is Manuka. Research shows that Manuka stops the growth of the Strep bacteria, which is the main cause of a sore throat. Not to mention, the National Cancer Institute has recently promoted the use of Manuka to treat inflammation in the throat following chemotherapy. Impressive, right? Manuka will also help lessen your dependence on allergy medication. Studies unanimously suggest that taking Manuka honey on a regular basis will lower your allergy symptoms dramatically.
    • Acne and Eczema The internet is rife with testimonials of Manuka honey curing acne and eczema patients, and given its antimicrobial and powerful healing properties, this isn’t surprising. However, it’s important to note that studies in this area are still in the formative stages. Many people suggest that by applying honey daily on affected areas for several minutes, then washing off with water, skin conditions will dramatically improve. If the hype is anything to go by, we certainly think it’s worth a try!
    • Tooth Decay and Gingivitis Researchers from the School of Dentistry at the University of Otago in New Zealand have found that due to Manuka’s incredible antimicrobial activity, it can be effective in treating and preventing gingivitis and tooth decay. By chewing or sucking on a Manuka honey product, you can decrease your plaque by 35 percent!
    • IBS and IBD Sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases will be pleased to discover that Manuka, arguably the most delicious medicine, has been proven to help heal and prevent colonic inflammation. Manuka protects against colonic damage, and can also heal existing free radical damage (read more about free radicals in our first superfood article all about Turmeric). A study undertaken by researchers at Chandigarh Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research turned up many exciting results that indicate Manuka is a powerful combatant of colonic disease.
    • Sleep We’re sure you will agree that most things in life are easier to bear after a good night’s sleep! Many health disorders are connected to bad sleep, making a healthy bedtime routine increasingly important. Well, Manuka Honey can help make sure that when your head hits the pillow, you’re in for a real sleep-treat. When taken at bedtime, Manuka will slowly release the glycogen needed for your body to function at its best while you sleep. Add some milk, which releases melatonin into the brain, and you have Mother Nature’s finest sleep cocktail!
So why Manuka?
You may be wondering what makes Manuka so much better than your ordinary supermarket honey – well researchers at the New Zealand University of Waikato were wondering the same thing! After extensive research, it was discovered that Manuka has a considerably higher level of enzymes than regular honey, making its nutritional content up to four times better than that of a normal flower honey.

Hence, the higher price tag, and UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) signature you’ll see displayed on many Manuka Honey jars.

The good news is that you don’t need to eat Manuka by the spoonful to reap the nutritional benefits. Try adding it to your tea, or drizzling over a bowl of yoghurt and muesli for a nutrient-dense breakfast!

Impress your guests and give the gift of healthy sweet treat (that doesn’t sacrifice flavour) at your next corporate event with our very own Manuka Honey Muffins!


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